Best Self-Help Books
Comeback Careers: Rethink, Refresh, Reinvent Your Success by Mika Brzezinski and Ginny Brzezinski It’s never too late to return to your career, or just change directions as this motivational book by TV journalist and talk show host Mika Brzezinski proves. Don’t believe her? Give it a read. She’ll change your mind. (Out Jan 14) Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You’re Meant To Be by Rachel Hollis This read is for anyone who’s ever felt like everyone has life all figured out but them. That false belief is holding you back—and you deserve more. (Out now) The Likeability Trap: How to Break Free and Succeed as You Areby Alicia Menendez Ah, the elusive trap of being “likeable.” So many of us—especially women—fall into it. But guess what? You don’t have to. This book is a guide to breaking free. (Out now) Bamboozled by Jesus by Yvonne Orji In Bamboozled by Jesus, Insecure star Yvonne Orji uses her inspiring approach to faith to take her readers through 20 of the most important lessons she’s learned. (Out May 5) Keep Movingby Maggie Smith Written in the midst of her divorce, poet Maggie Smith’s moving book of quotes and essays will touch anyone who has ever struggled with love, loss and change—and convince them of their resilience. (Out May 5) Maybe You Should Talk To Someone by Lori Gottlieb Whether you go to therapy every week or are thinking about starting, Lori Gottlieb’s stories from the therapy couch—both as a therapist and as a patient—will forever change the way you think about therapy. (Out now) Wolfpack by Abby Wambach Based on her 2018 Harvard commencement speech, the Olympic gold medalist’s Wolfpack will inspire women to unleash their power. (Out now) Super Attractorby Gabrielle Bernstein Gabrielle Bernstein taught us that the universe has our backs, and now she’s back to teach us how to manifest our dreams through her tried-and-true methods. (Out now) Average Is The New Awesome: A Manifesto for the Rest of Us by Samantha Matt Some of us feel destined for a life of fortune and fame and go on to achieve it. As for the rest of us, well, we can have a perfectly great life too—and learning to be happy with that life is an accomplishment in its own right. Finally, a manifesto for the awesomely average folk out there! (Out now) Buy Yourself The F*cking Lilies by Tara Schuster If learning to love yourself a little more is on your list of goals for 2020, Tara Schuster’s touching story of learning to re-parent herself will inspire you, motivate you and probably make you laugh. (Out Feb 18) The Miracle Morningby Hal Elrod Getting your day off on the right foot is half the battle, and this guide to crafting the perfect morning ritual will work wonders. (Out now) Year Of Yes by Shonda Rhimes What would happen if you started saying yes to everything instead of no? That’s what TV producer Shonda Rhimes did for a year—and she has a lot to show for it (Out now)
by Admiral William H. McRaven Make Your Bed is based on a famous graduation speech made by this Navy SEAL, and it builds on the idea that little things can change your life—like making your bed. (Out now) I’m Judging You by Luvvie Ajayi This book of humorous essays acts as a handbook for doing a little better in our stressed out, overly connected world (Out now)
by Dan Harris Back in the day, news anchor Dan Harris was just about the last person you’d expect to see on a meditation cushion. But thanks to his dedication to the practice, he’s become—you guessed it—10 percent happier, and can teach you how to be, too. (Out now) Fck No! How To Stop Saying Yes When You Can’t, Shouldn’t, Or Just Don’t Want To by Sarah Knight In case the title doesn’t spell it out for you, this is your guide to learning to say no—because it’s an important skill to have. (Out now) Better Than Beforeby Gretchen Rubin Forming good habits and breaking bad ones is no easy feat, but if anyone can teach you how to do it, it’s happiness and habits expert Gretchen Rubin. Through her unique habits framework, you’ll get a roadmap of exactly how to best approach building and breaking habits for your personality type. (Out now) Atomic Habitsby James Clear If Gretchen Rubin’s approach to habit formation doesn’t work for you, try James Clear’s—he’s all about making tiny changes and seeing big results. (Out now) The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fck by Mark Manson What if your happiness didn’t lie in being more positive, but in learning to let go? Or, to put it more eloquently, in not giving a f*ck? (Out now) Presenceby Amy Cuddy Written by a Harvard professor, “presence” is the state in which we stop worrying about the impression we’re making on other people and instead focus on the impression we’re making on ourselves. And actually putting this into practice is a game-changer. (Out now) Big Magicby Elizabeth Gilbert If you were a fan of Eat, Pray, Love—or even if you weren’t—Elizabeth Gilbert’s guide to the creative life will ignite your creative spark. (Out now) Braving The Wilderness by Brene Brown If you’ve ever yearned for community or a stronger sense of belonging, this is the self-help book for you. (Out now) You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero Want to improve your life, but don’t know where to start? Here’s an idea: Start with Jen Sincero’s You Are A Badass. From inspiring stories to easy exercises, you’ll come away from You Are A Badass with a whole new perspective on life. (Out now) Deep Workby Cal Newport We live in a distraction-filled society, and focusing your full attention on anything can feel next to impossible. Cal Newport can help you train your brain to focus so you can get more done and enjoy it more along the way. (Out now) Brain Makeover by Phyllis Ginsberg Want to train your brain to be more positive and help you get happier? Good news—you can. Just take a few pages out of Phyllis Ginsberg’s Brain Makeover. Feeling inspired by all the self-help reading you’re doing? Take it a step further with one of these 55 New Year Resolution ideas.