If you’ve watched the first episode of the Sex and the City revival And Just Like That, you know that Big tragically dies shortly after getting off the Peloton. Once the initial shock wore off, we all had a lot of questions. One really big one (no pun intended) is: Can something like that really happen? More specifically, is the stationary bike dangerous? “Riding a stationary bike is not inherently dangerous and is actually slightly safer than going outdoors because of less risk involved from the environment,” Garret Seacat, CSCS, professional cycling coach, explains. However, riding indoors does pose a few risks. “The biggest risk is individuals new to exercise or who have had a long break since exercising starting a rigorous workout routine with little experience or without a recent physical to make sure they are fit enough to start,” says Seacat. The bottom line: a stationary bike won’t kill you. Just be mindful of your physical limits and don’t overexert yourself! And actually, there are a lot of health benefits to riding a stationary bike. Here are a few of them.

Health benefits of biking

Strengthens the heart muscle

Aerobic activity keeps your heart in good shape.“When you cycle, your heart rate is elevated causing your heart to work more efficiently by pumping oxygen to your muscles,” John Gardner, CEO and co-founder of Kickoff and NASM-certified personal trainer, explains. “This helps reduce cardiovascular diseases and also reduces your resting heart rate as the heart muscle strengthens.”

Lowers stress

There’s no denying stress plays a role in many chronic diseases, including heart disease. Biking is not only physically good for you, but can also offer mental health benefits.  When you cycle, you can also reduce stress levels as well as help you lose weight which also play a role in improving your heart health, says Gardner. And if you bike in a group, you’ll also get the added mental health benefit that comes with being social.

Reduces your risk of developing cardiovascular disease

Along with lowering stress, biking improves your overall health and longevity. “Cycling stimulates and improves your heart, lungs and circulation, reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases,” Terri Stadler, Life Time Oklahoma City Studio Instructor, states. “It also strengthens your heart muscles, lowers your resting pulse and reduces blood fat levels. It can help to protect you from serious diseases such as stroke, heart attack, some cancers, depression, diabetes, obesity and arthritis.” Compared to other exercises such as running, it’s easier on your joints. Constant pounding on the pavement or treadmill can take its toll on your body.

How often do you need to bike to see results?

To really start seeing results, three days a week is a great place to start. Start where you’re at, though—if you haven’t exercised in four years, then two times the first week is probably a good place to start and slowly add another day every couple weeks. Once you’re riding four times a week, you can start to ride longer to increase your total volume, Seacat explains. Most importantly, listen to your body and don’t overdo it. As time passes, you’ll become stronger and be able to increase the intensity of your workouts. Next, read 50 cycling quotes that will inspire you to ride.


Garret Seacat, C.S.C.S., professional cycling coachJohn Gardner, CEO and co-founder of Kickoff and NASM certified personal trainerTerri Stadler, Life Time Oklahoma City Studio Instructor Everything You Need to Know About How Biking Really Impacts Heart Health - 71